Planon Access and Support User Guide

About Planon

Planon is an Integrated Workplace Management System. Planon is used for Facilities Management, Space, Maintenance, Real Estate, etc. Planon is accessed via a web-browser and access is controlled via Dartmouth’s SSO. The first time you hit the website you will be prompted to login with the normal DUO two-factor authentication.

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Getting Access or Requesting Help

  1. A service request needs to be raised with Campus Services Technology Services
  2. Users may also choose to join the Planon Users Slack channel to raise questions or participate in discussions


Web Browser support

Planon has multi-tab browser support.

  • You can open Planon in multiple tabs on your browser.
  • A single login works for all browser tabs.
  • Only one module license is used for all tabs.
  • When you open the application in different tabs, you can view the same or different TSIs from your navigation panel.
  • Planon is web based.  It is recommend to use Firefox or Chrome as the browser.  more detailed specifications

Configuring Chrome

Occasionally Planon TSI’s will fail to load in Chrome. 

If this happens, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Open internet settings > Privacy and security 
  2. Check that cookies are enabled. 
  3. Alternatively, click on the eye icon at the far right of the URL bar to enable cookies.
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Use this to place a request for the CS Technology Services group. They work with Planon, Radio, Lenel, Honeywell, Johnson, and other Campus Services systems.