ESG Major Application Change Events Calendar

Events Application for ESG Calendar

(View the published events at


Events published to the ESG Calendar are managed in Dartmouth’s Events Listing Application:

Visit that URL (and log in if you are not already authenticated). Once you have entered the application you will see your dashboard of upcoming events and those events that have passed.  You can:


  1. Select a start and end date to view events or filter events



Click on any event listed to view its detail and access controls to edit, publish/unpublish or delete the event.

To enter a new event:

Please choose New event Button:

New event Screen: 


   NOTE: Planning Events are only visible within this system and are not on the Public Calendar.

Title: Please be specific to the Event Happening

Summary: Please give a brief description of the event (the summary is required but not currently displayed)

Date: Choose date that the event will be happening

All day event: Choose if this event will be all day

               Otherwise enter

Start Time and End Time:

Repeat: Use this if you would like the event to be repeated over multiple days

Location: Please use OTHER and then place ITC in the pop-up box

Event change label: Not required

Requirements: Not required

Contact Name: Will auto populate with your name, change it if it should be another person.

Contact Email: Will auto populate with your email, change if needed.

Contact Phone: Not Required

Sponsoring Group: Will default to ESG Update/Release Schedule [Note: if you are already a member of other Events Listing groups, your other groups will be listed. Please be sure to select ‘ESG Update/Release Schedule’ for events to be visible on the ESG calendar.]

Audiences: do not change

Categories: Not required

Full Description: This is a “WYSIWYG” editor with which you can apply formatting and insert hyperlinks. When writing your description, please include the following information. Apply boldface formatting to each of the labels shown here as follows:

Responsible Party: <a contact name>

Population affected: <usually one or more of Students/Faculty/Staff

Description: <as meaningful a description as necessary>

Tickets Help Desk may see: <any special conditions that you are aware of that might cause users to contact the Help Desk>


Choose: Save button at bottom (or top) of form



Once saved the event will be in a DRAFT state. To publish to the calendar (thus making it visible) you must select Publish Event from the top tool bar.

It will then prompt you to make sure you want to publish the event.


Once the event is published then you will see it at the calendar URL: