Statistical Software Support



Statistical computing covers the use of statistics and supported statistical packages on all of Information, Technology & Consulting's public systems, including UNIX, Macintosh, and Windows platforms.

Supported packages include Stata, SPSS, SAS and R. Support not only includes accessing and installing these packages, but also includes assistance with the program basics, writing code, and choosing appropriate analyses. In addition, we can help you with transferring data between applications or platforms.

Some statistical software is available on Research Computing's UNIX hosts. Research Computing accounts are required for these systems. Others are available for the desktop, and can be downloaded and installed from the Information Technology web page.

Request a research computing account, 

Statistical Software





MacIntosh, Windows, UNIX

Novice to expert


MacIntosh, Windows

Novice to expert


Windows, UNIX

Novice to expert

R Macintosh, Windows, LINUX Novice to expert
  • Stata - A general-purpose statistical package that can do extensive analyses and fair graphs. It is mostly syntax driven, with limited menus. KeyServed version is for academic work only.  Available for desktops and Research Computing UNIX hosts. 
  • SPSS - A general-purpose statistical package that can do extensive analyses and good graphs. Menu or syntax driven. On-campus network-license managed.
  • SAS - A general-purpose statistical package, database manager, and graphics package that can do extensive analyses and fair graphs. Mostly syntax driven with limited menus. SAS is available on the Research Computing UNIX hosts. Also, desktop licenses are available for faculty members to lease on a yearly basis.
  • R - A general-purpose statistical package, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of platforms.

In addition to the programs listed above, other desktop and UNIX applications can be used for data analysis or similar activities. Examples include data visualization packages, data transfer tools, spreadsheet programs, open-source stat software, and graphing programs.



General Computing

Online Resources for SAS

Online Resources for R

Online Resources for Stata and SPSS


Dartmouth SAS Users Group

The Dartmouth Area SAS Users Group (DASUG), formerly called the Dartmouth Institute Area SAS Users Group (TDIASUG), is a volunteer local users group formed in 2000 for users of the SAS system in New Hampshire and Vermont and neighboring states. Its mission is to provide a forum that will give each member an opportunity to improve and develop their SAS skills. Meetings are held two to three times a year on the Dartmouth campus in Hanover NH or via Zoom; they typically include two or three presentations on SAS products and coding techniques and also allow time for networking with peers and presenters.

Data Sources

The best resource for locating and obtaining data sets pertinent to your research needs are the reference librarians. Subject specialists are available to help in virtually every academic discipline. To access reference assistance, contact Research & Instruction Services.

The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, ICPSR, is a repository of a wide variety of social science data sets. Data sets can be downloaded, along with code books describing the data files. In addition, syntax files are often available to read raw data sets into statistical programs like SPSS and SAS. Faculty with general questions about ICPSR should contact our local representative, Barbara Mellert.

Another important source of data is the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, the Minnesota Population Center at the University of Minnesota is a warehouse for Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS). If you have questions about obtaining or working with census or IPUMS data, reference the Government Documents library page.

Other Resources



Article ID: 64650
Tue 10/9/18 12:18 PM
Mon 8/26/24 9:51 AM

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