Google Workspace FAQs and Best Practice


Frequently asked questions about Google Workspace.


Table of Contents

How do I access Dartmouth's Google tools?

What Google applications are being made available to members of the Dartmouth community?

  • All Google applications are being made available with the exception of Gmail which will be coming later. Google calendar will be available but there is no calendar interoperability with Dartmouth's Microsoft 365.

Why is Dartmouth rolling this out when we already have Microsoft's 365?

  • While the Microsoft 365 suite of tools provides similar functionality as the Google Workspace tools, some people at Dartmouth prefer the Google interface. We are rolling out the Google tools to allow people to use the collaboration tool they prefer. 

Where can I learn more about using Google tools?

Can I work with files when I am offline?

How do I share files from My Drive?

Can I see Google's My Drive or Google's Shared Drive Files on my Desktop?

What options do I have for viewing my Google data on my mobile device?

  • Visit the Apple or Google Play stores and search for the desired Google apps. 

Can I share files that I put in Google Shared Drives with people who do not have a Dartmouth account?

  • Yes. Please remember, however, that DISC level 3 data are not to be shared outside of Dartmouth. Google Shared Drives have not been locked to prevent members of the Dartmouth community from doing this. The expectation is that people who own confidential or sensitive data understand how they are supposed to keep it protected.

Are there other collaboration tools at Dartmouth that I can use?

With this new offering, does that mean I will have more than one Google account - both a personal and a Dartmouth account? How can I manage both?

Where can I check to see if there is an issue with one of the Google tools?

Can I use Google Groups to collaborate with users outside of Dartmouth?

  • Yes, the owner of a group can enable a group to include members from outside of Dartmouth and then invite those members to be part of the group.  Go to My Groups and select a group. Click on the Gear icon and select Group Settings.  Under Permissions, select Basic Permissions and check the box for Allow new users, not in, and save.
  • Please note that the suffix -group will be appended to the group name you select for use with the group email address.  So for example, the group email address for Dartmouth Google groups would be  This may be a little bit confusing as for Office 365 the group email address is  

Why use your Dartmouth Google account instead of your personal one?

  • It's easy to find and collaborate with other Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff
  • It's easier for them to find you!
  • Unlimited storage (please note that Google has changed its storage strategy hence unlimited free storage will be sunsetting in the future)
  • Ads are turned off for core services
  • Single sign-on with your Dartmouth NetID and password
  • Enhanced security features

Where can I learn more about the terms and conditions related to Google's core, additional, and marketplace apps?

Remember that the access and use of all of Dartmouth's Google Workspace fall under the Dartmouth Acceptable Use Policy.

Information on Google’s privacy notice and links to the Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice may be found here.

Core Apps

  • The Google Workspace Core Services provided under Dartmouth’s Google domain are the heart of Google’s educational offering and are covered by an agreement that provides higher levels of security and privacy, and prohibits advertisements.

Additional Services

  • Google provides Additional Services that you can use with your email address, but that have different terms and conditions than do the core services. On these Additional Services, ads may be displayed, and given the volume of services our support can only be ‘best efforts.’

Marketplace Apps

  • These are services provided by companies other than Google, but we have enabled the ability for you to log into them with your Dartmouth Google account. These have their own individual terms and services. ITC does not support Marketplace Apps.

Can I use the Google Workspace tools if I need to work with and store PHI-related data?

  • Not all applications in Google Workspace meet technical requirements for storing PHI-related data. To minimize institutional risk, therefore, all Medical School users and some users from other parts of the College who handle PHI are being provisioned access only to those applications approved for PHI/PII storage.  To read more about what applications are enabled, please click here.


Can I open Sheets or Docs in Microsoft Word or Excel?

  • Yes, if you
    • Add Extension in Google Chrome Browser
    • ""More Tools   Extensions.
      • Application Launcher - turn on with the toggle button
      • Details - Turn on with the toggle button
        • Automatically allow access on the following sites

Select the "" to the right of the file and select open with  

Can I find out more about how my data is being used?

Still, need help with Google Workspace?



Article ID: 66681
Mon 11/5/18 4:29 PM
Thu 4/27/23 1:48 PM

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