DartFS and High Performance Computing - Connecting to Linux machines via command line / terminal


To access DartFS, High Performance Computing environments, connect to Linux machines, use a command line / terminal application.  

Macintosh Users:  Macintosh users can utilize the built-in 'Terminal' application. See the Macintosh Terminal User Guide on Apple's support website. 

   at the "%" in the terminal, type    ssh yourNetID@polaris.dartmouth.edu

Windows / PC Users: Windows / PC users can download and install the Moba XTerm application, a free terminal application 

    Open Moba Xterm, click "Session" and "SSH", then in the "Remote Host" box, enter yourNetID@polaris.dartmouth.edu   and click the "Ok" button near the bottom of the application


NOTE 1. your NetID needs to be enabled to access the Research Computing servers, which you can request at https://dashboard.dartmouth.edu/

NOTE 2. You will need to be on the VPN or on campus to reach these servers





Article ID: 159636
Tue 6/4/24 9:38 AM
Wed 9/18/24 5:30 PM