Record Directly to a Panopto Class Folder in Canvas


It's important to note that you can always move recording sessions in Panopto between different folders as long as you have Creator permission on the recording or folder where it resides. This guide is intended to help you to anticipate that you would like to share the recording with your entire class as soon as you are creating/recording the session.

This guide is especially helpful if you are Recording in Panopto During Class.

The follow are the steps to record directly to your canvas folder.

  1. Open the Canvas site where you would like to place the recording. 
  2. Click on Panopto Video on the left navigation.
  3. Click the Create button in the Panopto frame > then select either the recording application for your device or Panopto Capture.
    the Create dropdown in Panopto in Canvas showing the first two options for "Panopto for Mac" and Panopto Capture respectively


  • The following is an example of what it looks like after launching Panopto for Mac. Panopto Capture will also save it to that folder but it won't show you the path until the recording is completed and uploaded.
    An image showing the folder path correctly from launching it within Canvas.

  1. Complete the recording and allow it to upload. It should place it directly in the course folder in Canvas found under "Panopto Video" in the course menu.




Article ID: 140391
Mon 1/3/22 10:15 AM
Mon 1/3/22 10:59 AM