

A search object used for finding multiple time entries.


Name Editable? Type Nullable? Summary
MinutesFrom This field is editable through the web API. Int32 This field is nullable. The minimum number of total minutes to filter on.
MinutesTo This field is editable through the web API. Int32 This field is nullable. The maximum number of total minutes to filter on.
EntryDateFrom This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum time entry date to filter on.
EntryDateTo This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum time entry date to filter on.
CreatedDateFrom This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum created date to filter on.
CreatedDateTo This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum created date to filter on.
StatusDateFrom This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum status change date to filter on.
StatusDateTo This field is editable through the web API. DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum status change date to filter on.
BillRateFrom This field is editable through the web API. Double This field is nullable. The minimum bill rate to filter on.
BillRateTo This field is editable through the web API. Double This field is nullable. The maximum bill rate to filter on.
CostRateFrom This field is editable through the web API. Double This field is nullable. The minimum cost rate to filter on.
CostRateTo This field is editable through the web API. Double This field is nullable. The maximum cost rate to filter on.
TimeTypeIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated time type IDs to filter on.
ProjectOrWorkspaceIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated project, request, and/or workspace IDs to filter on.
PlanIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated plan IDs to filter on.
TaskIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated task IDs to filter on.
IssueIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated issue IDs to filter on.
TicketIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated ticket IDs to filter on.
TicketTaskIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated ticket task IDs to filter on.
ApplicationIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated application IDs to filter on.
StatusIDs This field is editable through the web API. Int32[] This field is nullable. The associated status IDs to filter on.
PersonUIDs This field is editable through the web API. Guid[] This field is nullable. The associated user UIDs to filter on.
Components This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.Time.TimeEntryComponent[] This field is nullable. The components to filter on.
IsTimeOff This field is editable through the web API. Boolean This field is nullable. The time off status to filter on.
IsBillable This field is editable through the web API. Boolean This field is nullable. The billable status to filter on.
IsLimited This field is editable through the web API. Boolean This field is nullable. The limited status to filter on.
MaxResults This field is editable through the web API. Int32 This field is nullable. The maximum number of results to be returned. Defaults to 1000.