

A slim version of a ticket that only includes basic information.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the ticket.
Title String The title of the ticket.
AppID Int32 The ID of the ticketing application associated with the ticket.
AppName String The name of the ticketing application associated with the ticket.
ClassificationID Int32 The ID of the classification associated with the ticket.
ClassificationName String The name of the classification associated with the ticket.
StatusID Int32 The ID of the status associated with the ticket.
StatusName String The name of the status associated with the ticket.
AccountID Int32 The ID of the account/department associated with the ticket.
AccountName String The name of the account/department associated with the ticket.
TypeCategoryID Int32 The ID of the category associated with the ticket's type.
TypeCategoryName String The name of the category associated with the ticket's type.
TypeID Int32 The ID of the type associated with the ticket.
TypeName String The name of the type associated with the ticket.
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the user who created the ticket.
CreatedDate DateTime The created date of the ticket.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the user who created the ticket.
ModifiedUid Guid The UID of the user who last modified the ticket.
ModifiedDate DateTime The last modified date of the ticket.
ModifiedFullName String The full name of the user who last modified the ticket.
ContactUid Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the user who requested the ticket.
ContactFullName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user who requested the ticket.
StartDate DateTime This field is nullable. The start date of the ticket.
EndDate DateTime This field is nullable. The end date of the ticket.
RespondByDate DateTime This field is nullable. The "Respond By" deadline for the SLA associated with the ticket.
ResolveByDate DateTime This field is nullable. The "Resolve By" deadline for the SLA associated with the ticket.
GoesOffHoldDate DateTime This field is nullable. The "Goes Off Hold" of the ticket.
IsArchived Boolean The archived status of the ticket.
PriorityID Int32 The ID of the priority associated with the ticket.
PriorityName String This field is nullable. The name of the priority associated with the ticket.
LocationID Int32 The ID of the location associated with the ticket.
LocationName String This field is nullable. The name of the location associated with the ticket.
LocationRoomID Int32 The ID of the location room associated with the ticket.
LocationRoomName String This field is nullable. The name of the location room associated with the ticket.