

A set of filtering options used for searching services or service offerings in a service catalog.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
SearchText String This field is nullable. The search to filter on.
RequestFormID Int32 This field is nullable. The ID of the associated request form to filter on.
The value of the RequestFormID property will only be respected for users with access to TDNext, access to the specified client portal application, and the client portal permission to view all services.
CategoryID Int32 This field is nullable. The ID of the associated category to filter on.
ManagerUID Guid This field is nullable. The UID of the associated managing user to filter on. If both this and a non-zero ManagingGroupID value are provided, this property will be preferred.
The value of the ManagerUID property will only be respected for users with access to TDNext, access to the specified client portal application, and the client portal permission to view all services.
ManagingGroupID Int32 This field is nullable. The ID of the associated managing group to filter on. If both this and a non-empty ManagerUID value are provided, ManagerUID will be preferred.
The value of the ManagingGroupID property will only be respected for users with access to TDNext, access to the specified client portal application, and the client portal permission to view all services.
MaintenanceWindowIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The maintenance window IDs to filter on.
The value of the MaintenanceWindowIDs property will only be respected for users with access to TDNext, access to the specified client portal application, and the client portal permission to view all services.
IsActive Boolean This field is nullable. The active status to filter on.
The value of the IsActive property will only be respected for users with access to TDNext, access to the specified client portal application, and the client portal permission to view all services. For users without this level of access, the value of IsActive will always evaluate to true.
IsPublic Boolean This field is nullable. The public status to filter on.
ReturnCount Int32 The maximum number of results to return. The default is 50. Use 0 to specify no limit.
IncludeLongDescription Boolean Whether to include long description in the results.
IncludeShortcuts Boolean Whether to include service or offering shortcuts.