

A single project.


Name Editable? Required? Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the project.
Name This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. String The name of the project.
IsRead Boolean The read status of the project.
Budget This field is editable through the web API. Double The budget of the project.
AccountID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Int32 The ID of the account/department associated with the project.
AccountName String This field is nullable. The name of the account/department associated with the project.
SponsorEmail String This field is nullable. The email address of the user marked as the project's sponsor.
SponsorUID This field is editable through the web API. Guid The UID of the user marked as the project's sponsor.
SponsorName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user marked as the project's sponsor.
CreatedDate DateTime The created date of the project.
ModifiedDate DateTime The last modified date of the project.
ModifiedUID Guid The UID of the user who last modified the project.
ModifiedFullName String The full name of the user who last modified the project.
StatusModifiedDate DateTime The last modified date of the project status.
Description This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The description of the project.
ExpensesBudget This field is editable through the web API. Double The expense budget of the project.
ExpensesBudgetUsed Double The used expense budget of the project.
ActualHours Double The actual hours of the project.
AllowProjectTime This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project allows project-level time entry.
ApproveTimeByReportsTo This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether project time is approved by the users who resources report to.
BriefcasePath String This field is nullable. The path to the Briefcase section for the project.
EndDateBaseline DateTime The end baseline date of the project.
Identifier String This field is nullable. The identifier of the project.
PriorityID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the priority associated with the project. Setting this to 0 or not including it in an update will cause the priority to be changed to the organizational default priority upon save.
PriorityName String This field is nullable. The name of the priority associated with the project.
IsActive This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The active status of the project.
TimeBudget This field is editable through the web API. Double The time budget of the project.
TimeBudgetUsed Double The used time budget of the project.
TypeCategoryID Int32 The ID of the category associated with the project's type.
TypeCategoryName String This field is nullable. The name of the category associated with the project's type.
TypeID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Int32 The ID of the type associated with the project.
TypeName String This field is nullable. The name of the type associated with the project.
IsPrivate Boolean The private status of the project.
IsPublic This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The public status of the project.
IsPublished This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The published status of the project.
IsTemplate Boolean The template status of the project.
IsRequest Boolean The request status of the project.
StartDateBaseline DateTime The start baseline date of the project.
TemplateID Int32 The ID of the template associated with the project.
PercentComplete Int32 The percent complete of the project.
MinScheduledDate DateTime The minimum scheduled date of the project.
MaxScheduledDate DateTime The maximum scheduled date of the project.
MinPendingScheduleDate DateTime The minimum pending scheduled date of the project.
MaxPendingScheduleDate DateTime The maximum pending scheduled date of the project.
UpdateStartEnd This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project's start date, end date, and estimated hours are updated based upon its associated plans.
ScheduleHoursByPlan This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether resource allocation is managed by task assignments.
AllocationEditMode This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.ResourceAllocationEditMode The allocation edit mode which governs how resources are scheduled by resource pool managers from the Resource Management Console.
UseRemainingHours This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the project's tasks should be updated with remaining hours instead of percent complete. Whether task updates are managed by setting remaining hours or percent complete.
AlertOnEstimatedHoursExceeded This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project manager should be alerted periodically when estimated plan hours exceed estimated project hours.
AlertOnAssignedHoursExceeded This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project manager should be alerted periodically when assigned plan hours exceed assigned project hours.
Admin2UID Guid The UID of the user marked as the alternate manager for the project.
Admin2FullName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user marked as the alternate manager for the project.
Admin2Email String This field is nullable. The email address of the user marked as the alternate manager for the project.
AlternateManagers TeamDynamix.Api.Users.UserSummary[] This field is nullable. The alternate managers for the project.
RequestWorkflowID Int32 The ID of the request workflow associated with the project.
ClassificationID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the classification associated with the project.
ClassificationName String This field is nullable. The name of the classification associated with the project.
AddContact This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether new project members are automatically added as contacts.
DateScored DateTime The date that the scorecard for the project was completed.
AdminName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user marked as the manager for the project.
AdminUID Guid The UID of the user marked as the manager for the project.
AdminEmail String This field is nullable. The email address of the user marked as the manager for the project.
EndDateInitial DateTime The initial end date of the project.
EndDateInitialIsNull Boolean Whether the initial end date of the project is null.
ExpensesBudgetInitial Double The initial expense budget of the project.
StartDateInitial DateTime The initial start date of the project.
StartDateInitialIsNull Boolean Whether the initial start date of the project is null.
BudgetInitial Double The initial budget of the project.
TimeBudgetInitial Double The initial time budget of the project.
RequestStatus String This field is nullable. The request status of the project.
Requirements This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The requirements of the project.
IntangibleBenefits String This field is nullable. The intangible benefits of the project.
CreatedUID Guid The UID of the user who created the project.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the user who created the project.
CreatedEmail String This field is nullable. The email address of the user who created the project.
StatusName String This field is nullable. The name of the status associated with the project.
ApplyMetrics Boolean Whether metrics should be applied to the project.
StatusComments String This field is nullable. The comments associated with the project's latest status.
StatusModifiedByUID Guid The UID of the user who last modified the project's status.
StatusModifiedByFullName String This field is nullable. The full name of the user who last modified the project's status.
DeductAmount Double The deduction amount of the project.
TimeAmount Double The time accrued on the project.
EstimatedHours This field is editable through the web API. Double The estimated hours of the project.
EstimatedHoursInitial Double The initial estimated hours of the project.
ScheduledHours Double The scheduled hours of the project.
PendingHours Double The sum of all hours pending request for the project.
EndDate This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. DateTime The end date of the project.
StartDate This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. DateTime The start date of the project.
StatusID Int32 The ID of the status associated with the project.
Health TeamDynamix.Api.Projects.HealthChoice The health associated with the project.
HealthName String This field is nullable. The name of the health associated with the project.
HealthDescription String This field is nullable. The description of the health associated with the project.
ReferenceType String This field is nullable. The reference type of the project.
ReferenceID String This field is nullable. The reference ID of the project.
StatusDescription String This field is nullable. The description of the status associated with the project.
GoalsScore Double The goals score of the project.
RisksScore Double The risks score of the project.
ScorecardScore Double The scorecard score of the project.
CompositeScore Double The composite score of the project.
CompositeScorePct Double The composite score percentage of the project.
InternalTypeID String This field is nullable. The internal type of the project.
PortfoliosCount Int32 The number of portfolios associated with the project.
ProgramsCount Int32 The number of programs associated with the project.
Attributes This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The custom attributes associated with the project.
CustomColumns TeamDynamix.Api.Projects.CustomColumn[] This field is nullable. The custom columns associated with the project.
IsBaselineSupported Boolean Whether baselining is supported by the project.
IsResourceAssignmentSupported Boolean Whether resource assignment is supported by the project.
IsTaskDetailSupported Boolean Whether task details are supported by the project.
IsTaskUpdateSupported Boolean Whether task updates are supported by the project.
IsTimeEntrySupported Boolean Whether time entry is supported by the project.
IsTicketToTaskConversionSupported Boolean Whether ticket to task conversion is supported by the project.
IsActiveOpenAndUserOnProject Boolean Whether the project is open, active, and the current user is assigned to it.
IsBackupSupported Boolean Whether backups/restores are supported by the project.
ServiceID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the service associated with the project.
ServiceName String This field is nullable. The name of the service associated with the project.
ServiceOfferingID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the service offering associated with the project.
ServiceOfferingName String This field is nullable. The name of the service offering associated with the project.
ServiceCategoryID Int32 The ID of the category associated with the project's service.
ServiceCategoryName String This field is nullable. The name of the category associated with the project's service.
NonWorkingDays DateTime[] This field is nullable. The non-working days associated with the project. This does not include weekends.