

Represents a new project to be created.


Name Editable? Required? Type Nullable? Summary
Name This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. String The name of the project.
ManagerUID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Guid The UID of the user marked as the manager for the project.
AlternateManagerUIDs This field is editable through the web API. Guid[] This field is nullable. The UIDs of alternate managers for the project.
Budget This field is editable through the web API. Double The budget of the project.
AccountID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Int32 The ID of the account/department associated with the project.
SponsorUID This field is editable through the web API. Guid The UID of the user marked as the project's sponsor.
Description This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The description of the project.
ExpensesBudget This field is editable through the web API. Double The expense budget of the project.
AllowProjectTime This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project allows project-level time entry.
ApproveTimeByReportsTo This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether project time is approved by the users who resources report to.
PriorityID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the priority associated with the project.
IsActive This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The active status of the project.
TimeBudget This field is editable through the web API. Double The time budget of the project.
TypeID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Int32 The ID of the type associated with the project.
StatusID This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. Int32 The ID of the status associated with the project. Statuses with classes of Cancelled or Completed are invalid for creation. If a status with a class of On Hold is specified, the project health must also be set to On Hold.
Health This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. TeamDynamix.Api.Projects.HealthChoice The health associated with the project. If a project health of On Hold, is specified, a project status with the status class of On Hold must also be specified.
IsPublic This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The public status of the project.
IsPublished This field is editable through the web API. Boolean The published status of the project.
TemplateID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the template to apply to the newly created project. Available templates to apply during creation follow the same restrictions as the web interface. The calling user must have access to the specified template either because they own it or it is a globally shared template. For service account callers, this means they may only specify globally shared templates since they cannot own a template themselves.
When specifying to use a project template and choosing to inherit project type default settings, the project template will take precedence for any settings that overlap between itself and the project type default settings.
UpdateStartEnd This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project's start date, end date, and estimated hours are updated based upon its associated plans.
ScheduleHoursByPlan This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether resource allocation is managed by task assignments.
AllocationEditMode This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.ResourceAllocationEditMode The allocation edit mode which governs how resources are scheduled by resource pool managers from the Resource Management Console.
UseRemainingHours This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the project's tasks should be updated with remaining hours instead of percent complete. Whether task updates are managed by setting remaining hours or percent complete.
AlertOnEstimatedHoursExceeded This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project manager should be alerted periodically when estimated plan hours exceed estimated project hours.
AlertOnAssignedHoursExceeded This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether the project manager should be alerted periodically when assigned plan hours exceed assigned project hours.
ClassificationID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the classification associated with the project.
AddContact This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether new project members are automatically added as contacts.
Requirements This field is editable through the web API. String This field is nullable. The requirements of the project.
EstimatedHours This field is editable through the web API. Double The estimated hours of the project.
EndDate This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. DateTime The end date of the project.
StartDate This field is editable through the web API. This field is required. DateTime The start date of the project.
Attributes This field is editable through the web API. TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The custom attributes associated with the project.
InheritProjectTypeSettings This field is editable through the web API. Boolean Whether or not to inherit project type settings to the newly created project. This property defaults to true. When this value is set to true, the following properties will be ignored:
  • AllowProjectTime
  • ApproveTimeByReportsTo
  • IsPublic
  • IsPublished
  • UpdateStartEnd
  • ScheduleHoursByPlan
  • UseRemainingHours
  • AlertOnEstimatedHoursExceeded
  • AlertOnAssignedHoursExceeded
  • AddContact
  • AllocationEditMode
ServiceID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the service associated with the project.
ServiceOfferingID This field is editable through the web API. Int32 The ID of the service offering associated with the project.