

A relationship between two configuration items.


Name Type Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the relationship.
ParentID Int32 The ID of the parent configuration item associated with the relationship.
ParentName String The name of the parent configuration item associated with the relationship.
ParentTypeID Int32 The ID of the type associated with the relationship's parent configuration item.
ParentTypeName String The name of the type associated with the relationship's parent configuration item.
ChildID Int32 The ID of the child configuration item associated with the relationship.
ChildName String The name of the child configuration item associated with the relationship.
ChildTypeID Int32 The ID of the type associated with the relationship's child configuration item.
ChildTypeName String The name of the type associated with the relationship's child configuration item.
IsSystemMaintained Boolean Whether this relationship is maintained automatically by the system.
RelationshipTypeID Int32 The ID of the type associated with the relationship.
Description String The description of the relationship from the perspective of the parent configuration item.
InverseDescription String The description of the relationship from the perspective of the child configuration item.
IsOperationalDependency Boolean Whether the relationship is an operational dependency.
CreatedDateUtc DateTime The created date of the relationship.
CreatedUID Guid The UID of the user who created the relationship.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the user who created the relationship.