

A set of filtering options used for searching contracts.


Name Type Nullable? Summary
NameLike String This field is nullable. The text to perform a LIKE search on for the contract number/description.
ProviderIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The provider IDs to filter on. Only contracts that are provided by one of these vendors will be included.
StartDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum contract start date to filter on.
StartDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum contract start date to filter on.
EndDateFrom DateTime This field is nullable. The minimum contract end date to filter on.
EndDateTo DateTime This field is nullable. The maximum contract end date to filter on.
AssetIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The asset IDs to filter on. Only contracts that apply to one or more of these assets will be included.
ExcludeAssetIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The asset IDs to exclude on. Only contracts that do NOT apply to any of these assets will be included.
ContractPriceFrom Double The minimum contract price to filter on. Contract Price From filtering will only occur if this value is greater than zero.
ContractPriceTo Double The maximum contract price to filter on. Contract Price To filtering will only occur if this value is greater than zero.
ContractTypeIDs TeamDynamix.Api.Assets.ContractType[] This field is nullable. The contract type IDs to filter on. Only contracts that belong to the specified types will be included.
AccountIDs Int32[] This field is nullable. The account/department IDs to filter on. Only contracts associated with one of the specified accounts/departments will be included.
IsActive Boolean This field is nullable. The active status to filter on.
IsFixedDateModel Boolean This field is nullable. The date model to filter on. A value of true indicates that only contracts with fixed date models should be included, whereas a value of false indicates that only contracts with sliding date models should be included.
CustomAttributes TeamDynamix.Api.CustomAttributes.CustomAttribute[] This field is nullable. The custom attributes to filter on.
MaxResults Int32 This field is nullable. The maximum number of records to return.