How can I open a document created in Pages?


Pages is the built-in word processor on the Mac. If you are creating the document yourself and need to share it with others who use Microsoft Word:

  1. Click the File menu in Pages, and choose Export to then choose the format (i.e. PDF, Word, etc.)
  2. You'll be prompted to Export your document. Click Next
  3. You then name your document and choose where to save the document.

If you received a document created in Pages, in order to read the document in Word, do the following:

  1. Locate the Pages document on your computer.
  2. Right-click the file and choose Rename from the menu.
  3. Change the .pages extension to .zip. If you receive any warnings, accept them.
  4. You can then double click the file to open. 
  5. Choose Preview
  6. You can then copy/paste the contents into a Word document.



Article ID: 90862
Wed 10/30/19 9:48 AM
Mon 3/10/25 11:02 AM