Request a read receipt or delivery notification in Outlook for Mac


Read receipts and delivery notifications are available in only some versions of Outlook for Mac, and only when using an Office 365 work or school account, or an Exchange Server account managed by your organization.


Read receipts and delivery notifications are available in only some versions of Outlook for Mac, and only when using an Office 365 work or school account, or an Exchange Server account managed by your organization.

Supported applications include Outlook for Office 365 for Mac and Outlook 2019 for Mac version 15.35 (170610) and later (select Outlook > About Outlook to check your version). 

Supported accounts. To use this feature, you need an Office 365 work or school account, or an Exchange on-premises account. Select Tools > Accounts to check your account type.


Request a read receipt

  1. In Outlook, compose your message.
  2. Select Draft (upper left corner of your Mac screen) > Request Receipts > Request a Read Receipt 
  3. Send your message.

Request a delivery notification

  1. In Outlook, compose your message.
  2. Select Draft (upper left corner of your Mac screen) > Request Receipts > Request a Delivery Receipt.
  3. Send your message.
  4. You will receive an email from Microsoft Outlook with the following content "Your message has been delivered to the following recipients: (...)"

External Resources




Article ID: 88371
Thu 10/3/19 9:33 AM
Thu 1/30/25 10:13 AM