Disable or Enable Notifications on Windows 10


This request has primarily come from people who would like to stop the Outlook notifications on Windows 10. There have been cases where changing the notification settings within Outlook does not stop the notifications. This shows you how to stop all notifications from the Windows settings.

Changing Notification Settings in Windows 10

  1. Click on the Start button and open the Settings by clicking on the gear icon.
  2. Click on the Privacy category.
  3. Click on Notifications in the column on the right.
  4. Scroll down to the Notifications & Actions settings.
  5. This will list the all the applications that can current show notifications. Turning it off will stop any future notifications from showing for that specific app.

For Further Information

  • https://support.office.com/en-us/article/turn-new-message-alert-pop-up-on-or-off-9940c70e-b306-442e-a856-d94b20318481
  • https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028678/windows-10-change-notification-settings




Article ID: 68764
Tue 12/11/18 3:04 PM
Tue 3/14/23 3:12 PM