Add a Subsite, Library or List to SharePoint



Subsites, Libraries and List can be used to organize content in your SharePoint Site. An organized site will allow easier access to the content you are looking for.

  1. From your SharePoint site, click Site Contents either from the settings gear in the upper right or from the Main Menu on the Left.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Select the option you wish to add from the menu presented:
    • List (an app used to organize content)
    • Document Library (Documents stored online)
    • App (Libraries, Lists and other tools)
    • Subsite (Container for apps, lists, libraries, pages)
  4. Complete the options presented for each app you would like to add to your site.





Article ID: 67057
Fri 11/9/18 3:40 PM
Tue 7/16/24 11:40 AM