Professional Name - Preferred Name


If you are an employee of Dartmouth, and go by a professional or preferred name rather than your legal name, there is a way for you to update your directory entry and email address to reflect your professional name.



If you are an employee of Dartmouth, and go by a professional or preferred name rather than your legal name, there is a way for you to update your directory entry and email address to reflect your professional or preferred name.

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Address & Personal Info
  3. In the window that appears, click Dartmouth Employee Self-Service, then Personal Information from the list that appears. 
  4. Click Update at the end of the Basic Details line. 
  5. Click Next at the end of the Basic Details: Choose Option line. 
  6. In the Preferred First Name, Preferred Middle Name and/or Preferred Last Name field(s), enter any name that is different than your legal name which appears in the fields above.
  • Any part of your professional name that is the same as your legal name does NOT need to be entered into the Preferred Name fields. 
  • You can leave a field blank (i.e. middle name)
  1. Click Next. Review the information the ensure there are no errors in the information you're submitting. 
  2. Click Submit
  3. Once you click Submit, your name and email address in the Dartmouth directory will be updated (in 24 hours) to reflect the preferred name you specified.
  • This update will take place 24 hours after submission
  • Your previous email address (your legal name) will be set as a reserved email alias, so that any mail sent to that address will continue to be delivered to your account, 

Contact your department's IT Support office if you have questions.




Article ID: 66845
Thu 11/8/18 9:16 AM
Fri 12/13/24 4:05 PM