Using klog to Obtain AFS Credentials



Even if a Linux system is not set up with usernames or UIDs matching the AFS user database, you can still use all the features of AFS.

  • Run the klog command after logging in locally, giving it your AFS username as an argument, and optionally the -cell cellname flag to authenticate to a cell other than the default one. Give your AFS password when prompted.
  • You now have an AFS token (based on a Kerberos ticket), which grants you access to your personal files in AFS for the lifetime of the token (default 25 hours). Run the tokens command to see the tokens you currently hold, and their expiration times.
  • Typically you would create symbolic links from the local system to specific locations below /afs, in order to make the AFS space easier to use. If your username on the local system is the same as your AFS username, you can issue the klog command with no argument.



Article ID: 64649
Tue 10/9/18 12:18 PM
Tue 3/14/23 11:42 AM