Interfolio Support


What is Interfolio?

Overview can be found here

Interfolio is an online dossier, credentials, and letters-of-recommendation service that is being used at Dartmouth for the organization of faculty searches, but use of Interfolio is not mandatory by A&S departments for faculty searches . The Interfolio WordPress page quotes, "The service will be used for Arts and Sciences (at the discretion of the individual search committee chair), Tuck, and Geisel faculty searches."

The Dean of Faculty office initiated the purchase of the Interfolio service (in the Fall 2013). David Kotz (Associate Dean of Faculty for the Sciences) reached out to Ellen Waite-Franzen to "make sure it was OK", but there was no arrangement regarding support, just assistance from ITS with the SSO single-sign-on integration and the special domain "" that redirects to the relevant site within

Help with Interfolio:

  1. The point of contact for initial assistance for access to Interfolio is of the Dean of Faculty office. 
  2. If a faculty or staff in an academic office needs assistance with Interfolio, they should contact their division's coordinator/assistant to the associate dean.
  3. Support for using Interfolio, questions about features, issues with permissions, etc. is available through direct access to Interfolio's HelpDesk.



Article ID: 64362
Tue 10/9/18 12:07 PM
Mon 3/10/25 12:01 PM