How to Get Panopto Recorder Logs


Panopto Recorder logs can be helpful for troubleshooting failures within the application. These can be shared with Panopto for the purposes of more advanced troubleshooting.


Why? Panopto Recorder logs can be helpful for troubleshooting failures within the application. These can be shared with Panopto for the purposes of more advanced troubleshooting.

Getting Logs from the Recorder

Panopto maintains a resource on how to grab your recorder logs for the purpose of troubleshooting.


Sharing the Logs

Most of the logs are too large to share via email. It's easiest to create a shared folder in your Dartmouth Google Drive or Dropbox accounts if this is the case. Make sure to change the permissions to allow for link sharing.



Article ID: 129116
Tue 3/2/21 11:54 AM
Tue 3/2/21 12:02 PM