Dartmouth is adopting a new media management system called Panopto (you can find out more about Panopto here. Beginning on December 7, all new Zoom cloud recordings will be copied into Panopto. You will be able to access them by logging into Panopto. We encourage you to share links to Zoom recordings from within Panopto (not from the Zoom web portal).
On December 7, we will also begin copying all existing Zoom cloud recordings to Panopto (for the time being, the recordings will also be available through the Zoom portal). This process will take several months. The goal is to make Panopto the persistent repository for all of our media files, including Zoom recordings.
We also have a request: If you have old Zoom recordings that you no longer need, and do not want to have copied to Panopto, please delete them by logging into Zoom, clicking on “Recordings” and selecting and deleting unwanted recordings here. The interface makes this quick and easy - there even is a “Delete All” button. More detailed instructions on deleting Zoom recording are available here. This would need to be done before December 7.
What this means for you:
- Any Zoom recordings created on or after December 7, 2020, will appear in your Panopto folder.
- Notifications informing you that the recording’s processing is complete will be emailed to you from Panopto.
- If you want to share one of these new recordings, you should use the link provided by Panopto.
- Existing Zoom recordings (older than Dec. 7, 2020) will be moved into Panopto after December 7, 2020.
- You will be notified once all of your existing recordings have been moved.
- Existing links to Zoom recordings will continue to work through March 31, 2021.
- We strongly recommend that you edit any links to existing Zoom recordings, to reflect their new long-term storage location in Panopto.