Zoom Breakout Rooms


How to pre-assign participants to breakout rooms



Breakout room options

Read more in the Zoom Breakout Room guide


1. Pre-assign

Log into https://dartmouth.zoom.us/ by clicking on “Sign in”. You’ll be asked to sign in using Dartmouth SSO. In the Dartmouth Zoom web interface, you can upload the participants’ email addresses (Note: these must be in the format netid@dartmouth.edu) with assigned breakout rooms in a csv file. Learn more in this Zoom Pre-assigning Breakout Rooms guide.

Select "require sign-in" when scheduling the meeting, and ask all participants to be sure they are signed in through the Zoom client.

NOTE: If a co-host joins the meeting before the host, the co-host then automatically becomes host and takes the ability to start the breakout rooms away from the actual host. The remedy is for the host role to be given back to the actual host.

When the host clicks the Breakout Rooms button, you will be given the opportunity to launch the preloaded rooms. There are also settings the host can adjust before opening the rooms:

Breakout Room settings


2. Self-select 

If both the meeting host and the participants are using Zoom client 5.3.0 (or later), hosts can choose for participants to self-select which Breakout Room they would like to join, without needing the host’s help to move between the breakouts. This option can be selected when the host clicks the Breakout Rooms button within the meeting:

Let participants choose room menu option

To enter the breakout rooms as the host, hover your mouse over the number of participants in the room and a Join button will appear:

Join breakout room link

3. Assign Automatically or Manually 

In addition to pre-assigning breakout rooms and allowing participants to self-select, the host can also assign breakout rooms automatically (randomly) or by assigning each individual participant within the meeting by clicking the Breakout Rooms option.





Article ID: 102894
Wed 3/25/20 8:05 AM
Mon 4/1/24 3:16 PM

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