Phone Number Lookup

When you want to see who is assigned to a specific Dartmouth phone number, within the Zoom application click the Phone icon, then the History tab. In the Enter a name or number field (which appears above the keypad) enter the 5 digit extension (e.g. 62999); do NOT press Enter. The system will display the name associated with that number.

To find the phone number associated with someone at Dartmouth, in the Enter a name or number field, start typing the person's name - first or last (e.g. Nicole or Smith or Nicole Smith). As you enter letters, individuals who have those letters in their name will appear in a list below where you are typing. The more letters you enter, the smaller the list will get.

Note: Numbers shown in are not necessarily correct. Those numbers need to be maintained by each individual; they are not maintained by any automated process. To change the phone number that is being displayed for you in, log into, click Account Info from the right hand column, and update the information found in the Your Phone Number field. 

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Fri 11/9/18 2:37 PM
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