Copying videos in Panopto’s Canvas course folders

This guide describes Panopto's process for moving course-related videos between two courses with separate Canvas sites.

  1. Import your past course materials in Canvas using the previous procedure.
    • Note: This becomes important to the fourth step. Canvas passes the paired course name to Panopto for the course folder copy.
  2. Navigate to Panopto Video in your destination Canvas course.
    "Panopto Video" linked text on the course navigation in Canvas
  3. Click on the gear icon in the upper right ⚙️(folder settings).
    An images showing the Panopto folder frame with the settings gear icon depicting the settings for the folder.
  4. To copy videos in Panopto from a past Canvas course, navigate to Settings > under the Overview tab > find the heading for Course Video Copy. Then select your options for the course copy including (a.) excluding zoom videos and previous schedule recordings, and (b.) choose the Previous course folder.
    1. Include Zoom videos; Include scheduled recordings: Leave these options unchecked to exclude these from the course copy operation. This is an important thing to exclude, because your past recordings can include student information protected under FERPA and institutional policies.
    2. Previous course folder: If you already imported your Canvas contents from the past course — Great! Canvas should tell Panopto the two courses are related and it will suggest the past course title as Suggested folder. Tip: copy that folder to your clipboard (or, note the actual display name). Otherwise, use Choose source folder to find the course folder to copy from.
    3. Choose source folder: Click Choose source folder. Copy and paste the Suggested Folder title into the search folder. Otherwise, type the descriptive title for the past course.
    4. Begin folder copy: Click Begin folder copy and confirm and accept the warning pop-up that you can only do this pairing once.An image depicting the Panopto folder copy screen steps as described above.
  5. Panopto will create Reference copies for each of the videos in the Course folder and Panopto app embedded on pages. You will find your copied materials in both the Panopto Video section in the course and wherever you embedded them previously in context.
    • Note: It seems to take a considerable amount of time to do the actual “copy”. Early testing indicated it could take upwards of an hour before the Panopto copy task is completed.
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Article ID: 143808
Thu 6/2/22 5:09 PM
Thu 6/2/22 5:12 PM

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This guide describes the process for moving Canvas course contents from an existing course to a new one. The second section of the guide explains how to move your Panopto videos after the initial Canvas Course copy. If you need more information about how Course Copy in Canvas works, different options available for copying/moving materials, and key terms and definitions, refer to our Explainer: Copying in Canvas at the end of the article.