Guide to Getting Started with Ed Discussion

Ed Discussion is a platform that houses online discussions for learners and instructors to engage with a variety of topics within the confines of course enrollment, and that engagement can happen both asynchronously and synchronously. Learners have a chance to collaborate with their peers and instructors on course content and skills, but it's all happening within a space that only those enrolled in the specific course (where Ed Discussion is being used) can access the conversations. With Ed Discussion in use, all of the course communications can happen in one location, and everything can be easily categorized. 

Why Use Ed Discussion

  • It can reduce the number of emails or repeated questions that the instructor answers.
  • Access is asynchronous, which allows more students to participate.
  • Students are able to express ideas with equations, code, annotations, etc.
  • The data analytics can provide useful information.

Where to Start

Get Ed Discussion Put Into Canvas

This part is easy. Email, and Ed Discussion will be put into Canvas for you!

Setup Wizard

When you select the Ed Discuss hyperlink from your Canvas shell for the first time, you'll be taken to Ed Discussion and prompted by the course setup wizard.

Course Setup Wizard

You'll need to select Continue for the wizard to proceed to the next screen, which is the Welcome Announcement screen. The Welcome Announcement will be the first thread (an ice-breaker of sorts) that your learners will see as they are introduced to Ed Discussion. What you'll see below is a sample that's provided, but you can easily update and personalize this announcement.

Welcome Announcement

Once you've edited the announcement to your liking, click Post Announcement to continue. Everyone enrolled in the course will be sent an email, notifying them that there is a new announcement. If there are no users enrolled, only you will receive the email.

Add Students

From the Course Admin page, which can be accessed via the gear button in the navigation bar at the top of the page of Ed Discussion, you can add your students. Use the Sync with LMS button underneath the table of users. Click that button, and the users will be added from the roster in Canvas. 

Navigation Bar - Admin Settings via Gear Icon

Scroll down to the Users section and select Sync with LMS. Then you can see the users in Canvas also populate into Ed Discussion.

The Users section will give you the option to sync the Canvas roster into Ed Discussion.

How to Use Ed Discussion

Starting a New Thread in Ed Discussion

Create the new thread using the New Thread button. New Thread button

Select one of the following thread types:

Ask a question - best used when inquiries have a clear answer; can be marked as resolved once an answer has been provided

Create a post - for discussion of general topics, such as a link to an interesting video that connects to a topic being covered in class

Make an announcement (only instructors can utilize this function) - for sharing important messages to all participants; this can also be used to send an email notification of the new announcement to all users

Ed Discussion New Thread box; shows the question button and the post button, title, category assignments, and the text box

Visibility Options

Students can post 2 types of threads:

  • Private: only the person who posts this thread and the instructors of the course will see threads of this type.
  • Anonymous: students appear anonymous to one another (and not to instructors).

Instructors have a few more options:

  • Pinned: this will pin the thread to the top of the discussions.
  • Anonymous Comments: any comments on the thread will be anonymous.
  • Megathread: creates a thread where each comment becomes a question that can be individually resolved.

Navigating Ed Discussion


Active courses--those available in the current term--will be listed at the top underneath the Courses heading. Any archived courses will be listed underneath a heading with the respective year and term information. 

Ed Discussion Dashboard

Thread Types

The list of threads will show each thread's type, title, category, author, and the time since the thread was originally posted. There are visual indicators, too, to give you information about the threads:

  • Threads with a blue dot blue dot are unread. These are threads that you have not yet. seen.
  • Threads with a green tick green check are questions that have been resolved/answered.
  • Threads with a purple pushpin purple pushpin have been pinned, with pinned threads typically being reserved for important information or announcements.
  • Threads with a blue ribbon blue ribbon have been endorsed by the course instructors (usually used to distinguish high-quality content).

Create Polls

If you want to do a quick class survey, set up a poll. You can up to 10 options, and you'll choose whether users can give single or multiple answers.

Create a poll! Ask a question, give learners options, and decide whether to let learners select multiple or single responses.

You can set a time at which the poll will close. After the user has participated, they'll be able to see the results.

Organizing Ed Discussion

Set Up Categories

The categories you set up will aid you in keeping the course organized. Students will be much more able to find relevant information, since the threads will be classified into different topics. To set up categories in your course, navigate to the Course Admin page--which can be traveled to by selecting the gear icon in the top navigation bar.

Once you've entered into the Course Admin page, select Discussion. In the Categories text box, you can begin defining the various categories you would like to use in your course. Each line in the text box is a separate category. You can also add sub-categories by creating a new line under the category you want to be the parent category and indenting using the TAB key. Want to add sub-sub-categories? Just indent twice.

How categories will look as you enter them in Course Admin:

Categories on the Admin page 

How the same categories listed in Course Admin look when in use in Ed Discussion:

 How the Categories will display in Ed Discussion

Editor Toolbar

The ability to edit content is a great feature in this tool. You can easily input all different types of content in really well-structured, clear ways.

Possible Content Types:

Paragraph Styles

Use the dropdown menu to alter the style of the text.

Various Formatting Options Available in Ed Discussion: paragraph, heading, subheading, code, block quote, callouts.

Text Formatting

Utilize bolditalicizedunderlined, or monospaced formatting.

Text formatting options: Bold, italics, underlining, monospacing.


Converts whatever text you've highlighted into a hyperlink so that you can connect to external resources!

Hyperlink Button

Bullet Points & Numeric Lists

Insert bullet points or numbered lists.

Bullet points; numbered list.

Inserting Images & Videos

Embed images and videos using URLs. You can also drag and drop images to insert them, as well as uploading.

Insert image; embed video.

Inserting Files

Attach files directly to your post by using the paperclip button.

Paperclip image symbolizes file attachment capability.

LaTeX Equation Editor

Insert LaTeX math equations using this interactive equation editor.

LaTeX math equation editor capability

Code Snippets

This tool allows for code snippet embedding.

Code snippet embedding capability

Image Annotation

Annotate any uploaded images!

Annotations of images are possible.


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Thu 8/5/21 1:31 PM
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